Eperimentation with triangulation and Helvetica. The examples below use processing.js, but the graphics could be rendered using any method.
Requires poly2tri.js. Currently only supports captital letters A-Z, support for more characters coming soon.
<script src="poly2tri.js"></script>
<script src="TriangulatedHelvetica.js"></script>
//The default font size is 50px,
//so this number will be a multiple of that.
var size = 2;
//The x position of the letter
var xPosition = 10;
//The y position of the letter
var yPosition = 2;
//Create the letter "A"
var letterTriangles = TriangulatedHelvetica.A(size, xPosition, yPosition);
//View console to see returned
//array of Triangle objects.
//To get the width of a letter, get its width
//using the 'getLetterWidth' method, then multiply
//that number by the letter size.
var letterWidth = TriangulatedHelvetica.getLetterWidth('A') * size;